Vlasta Pechova
I am founder and leader of Taiji pod lupou® – school of Taijiquan (Yang style) in Prague, Czech Republic.
Contact: taijipodlupou@gmail.com
I have been doing martial arts since 1994. After a two-year course of godju-ryu karate style I switched over to Taijiquan. Since 2000 I have been fully devoted to the Yang Taijiquan style which I studied until 2021 under professional supervision of Master Robert Amacker – White Crow Taiji in California (USA). I attend study stays at White Crow School in Moscow that keeps excellent world-renowned level. I hold an international Martial Arts Trainer certificate by IES London.
In addition to courses in my school I provide lessons in a park (CZ text) . These lessons for public are supported by Prague and are free of charge. I also provide online lessons through Zoom. From time to time I teach in other countries. I led few seminars in USA and Europe.
I published a book about Taijiquan. I made illustrations for „The Theoretical Basis of T’ai Chi Ch’uan“- a book written by my teacher Robert Amacker. See the publications.