“To enter the door and be shown the way, you must be orally taught. The practice is uninterrupted, and the technique (achieved) by self study.”
Taiji classics

Our vision is to develop and transmit Taijiquan (Taiji, Tai chi) in its purest form. We are dedicated to the Taijiquan style of the Yang family. We are based on the teachings of Robert Amacker. Our school was founded in 2009 by his direct disciple Vlasta Pechova. She teaches together with her students in Prague and Pelhřimov – Czech Republic.

Usually we take only 6 – 8 participants in our courses to maintain the quality of our teaching and techniques. The lessons in Prague are in Czech language. The teaching is passed to those who are interested and willing to work on themselves. We provide a complete system of training in which martial, medical and philosophical aspects are all balanced.

As part of international friendship and cooperation, instructors from the Moscow White Crow School and the American White Crow Taiji School visited us in 2007-21. We hope that in the future we will be able to welcome someone from these schools again.

Vlasta Pechova

Taiji (Taijiquan) style of the Yang family, direct student of Robert Amacker

Vlasta Pechova is the founder of the Taiji pod lupou® school. She has been teaching Taiji since 2002. Until 2021, she has been going to Moscow and California for study visits. Now she continues with stays in the USA and shares her knowledge of techniques and school development.

Teaching system

Teaching at Taiji pod lupou® follows a smooth flow. Beginners learn the basics of movement first. Gradually, they move from simple exercises to full-body movements and to practicing the sets.

We operate as a traditional family school, where all participants have contact with the main teacher Vlasta Pechova. Classes are held in small groups. Lessons are set up so that different levels of experience can meet together. Less advanced students are helped by advanced students and assistants. By working together all members of the school receive the information and stimulation needed for their development.

Training safety: To guarantee the quality and safety of the training, some lessons are designed exclusively for advanced students. Under close supervision, they learn to develop and control inner force in relation to martial ideas. They then help others with these techniques. In this manner, the potential of the school and all its members is effectively developed.

History and present

The foundations of our Taiji school are connected with the visits of Robert Amacker. He visited us in Prague (Czech republic) repeatedly from 2000 to 2007 and conducted short-term intensive Taiji seminars here.

A stable development has been made since 2009, when his student Vlasta Pechova started Taiji courses on a regular basis with his approval.

The current appearance of our school in Prague is the result of intensive work by Vlasta Pechova, with the support of Robert Amacker and his wife Olesya Amacker. It is also the natural outcome of the cooperation with the Moscow and American schools and, of course, of all our students who are an essential part of the school.